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Identity Theft Protection

Knowing what to look for and how to handle suspicious calls, emails and social media posts is integral to keeping your information safe.  To help you with your research, we have listed a few websites that provide  some helpful tips.

Woman using smartphone with icon graphic cyber security.
Person using laptop opening emails receives warning notification.

Scams and Fraud

According to this article from USAGov, “Identity theft happens when someone uses your personal or financial information without your permission. It can damage your credit status and cost you time and money.” Learn about identity theft warning signs, how to report potential scams and other ways to protect yourself. 

Worried young woman holding paperwork on a phone call.

What to know about Identity Theft

The more you understand identity theft and fraud, the less likely you are to find your identity stolen. This article by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is a great read for those looking for ways to keep sensitive documents secure, when and how to safely share your social security number, and what signs to look out for if you believe your identity has been stolen. 

Police officer with badge and notebook listens to crime witness.

Recovering from Identity Theft

 If you suspect your identity or other important information has been stolen, there are steps you can take in order to protect yourself from future attacks. This article from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) walks readers through how to report scams and fraud, adopt a recovery plan and reach out to the proper authorities. 

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