Member Loyalty Points
Did you know that YEFCU offers a discount on your interest rate for being a loyal member? Earn up to 1% off your interest rate by signing up for our FREE services such as online banking, E-statements, mobile app, and length of membership.

Annual Scholarships
High school seniors can apply to the Dave Baker YEFCU contest to receive this annually awarded scholarship. Two $500 scholarships are awarded each year. You can find out more information at our Scholarship Page.
High school seniors can also apply to the York Chapter of Credit Unions scholarship contest in the Spring to receive their annual scholarship. Three $1,000 scholarships are awarded each year. Scholarship applications will be posted in the Spring of each year

Credit Card Rewards
Earn one point for every dollar you spend to earn reward points that can be redeemed through the ScoreCard Rewards program for a variety of merchandise prizes. The more you use your card, the more points you earn. Just create your profile at ScoreCardsRewards to get started.

Notary Services
There are times when you need a notary service to help process important papers. YEFCU has its own Notary on staff that can help you when you need one and it is FREE! Call the main office to schedule an appointment.

U.S Savings Bonds Redemption
Although U.S. Savings Bonds must be purchased online from the U.S. Treasury, the credit union still can redeem paper U.S. Savings bonds including Series E, Series EE and Series I bonds. Members can now open a secure account with the U.S. Treasury through TreasuryDirect and manage their purchases, redemptions, and savings portfolio online.

VISA Gift Cards
Sometimes it is hard to find that perfect gift for a special occasion. Look no further. YEFCU offers FREE prepaid VISA gift cards up to $1,000. Pick from our variety of selections for that special occasion. We also offer a selection to pick from for the holidays (November/December).